A Bit of Luck, 2018, Mixed media
Untitled, 2018, Mixed media, 110x100 cm
Obey (detail), 2018, Installation Video, 1:52 minutes
Protected Flower (detail), 2018, Installation wall
Untitled, 2016, manipulated digital print, 110x110 cm
Swans Under Sunset, 2016, manipulated digital print, 110x110 cm
Between your Hands, 2016, photocollage, 160x108.5 cm
Im Dying to Dance in your Wedding, 2016, video, 4.30 min
Im Dying to Dance in your Wedding, 2016, video, 4.30 min
Dress Twirl, 2016, mixed media wall installation, 182x63 cm
Bees Are Flying all around the Roon, 2016, video, 8.34 min
Untitled, 2016, c print, 80x120 cm
Untitled, 2016, c print, 80x120 cm
Untitled, 2016, c print, 80x120 cm
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Stricking at Cliches, 2016, Installation view (detail), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo credit: Tal Nisim
Love, 2015, ready made assemblage on wall, 120x220x2 cm
If I Tell You the Story of My Life Tears Are Coming out of My Eyes, 2015, video, 12.26 min
Me from the series The Angels, 2015, color print, 165x110 cm
The Dreamers, 2014, color print, 73x110 cm
The Dreamers, 2014, color print, 73x110 cm
Nymphaea, 2014, manipulated digital print, 110x110 cm
Ornament, 2014, manipulated digital print, 110x110 cm
I Must Go through this Life, 2014, video, 6.38 min
Untitled, 2014, manipulated digital print, 200x140 cm
Untitled, 2011, mixed media, 150x110 cm
Untitled, 2011, mixed media, 150x110 cm
The Capiloline Virgin, 2007, mixed media on transparacy, 29.7×21 cm
Untitled from the Field series, 2007 2008, color print, 100x66.7 cm
The Artificial Swan, 2006, color print, 38.5×100 cm
Untitled, 2005 2010, color print, 21x29.7 cm
Freedom, 2005, color print, 50x50 cm
Venus Gaze self portrait, 2004, color print, 40x60cm
Untitled, 2003, color print, 39x29 cm
Vered Nissim