Potters will (still), 2015, Single channel HD video, 10 minutes
Potters will (still), 2015, Single channel HD video, 10 minutes
Potters will (still), 2015, Single channel HD video, 10 minutes
Potters will (still), 2015, Single channel HD video, 10 minutes
Fresh, 2014, single channel HD video, 16 minutes
Fresh, 2014, single channel HD video, 16 minutes
Fresh, 2014, single channel HD video, 16 minutes
Fresh, 2014, single channel HD video, 16 minutes
Invert detail, 2010, 35 mm film, 11 min.
Invert detail, 2010 , 35 mm film, 11 min.
Hamlatsam Camera, 2010, c print , 80x120 cm
Hamlatsam Camera, 2010, c print, 80x120 cm
Lets Shadow, 2010, c print, 63x120 cm
Sutcac Cactus, 2010, c print, 80x120 cm
A Nous la Liberté Freedom for Us, 2011, video and sound projection on a cube, 400x300x250 cm 5 projectors
A Nous la Liberté Freedom for Us, 2011, video and sound projection on a cube, 400x300x250 cm 5 projectors
A Nous la Liberté Freedom for Us, 2011, video and sound projection on a cube, 400x300x250 cm 5 projectors
A Nous la Liberté Freedom for Us, 2011, video and sound projection on a cube, 400x300x250 cm 5 projectors
A Nous la Liberté Freedom for Us, 2011, video and sound projection on a cube, 400x300x250 cm 5 projectors
Office hours (still), 2010, Video projection on wood and aluminum, 32x29x17 cm 2:37 min
Office hours (still), 2010, Video projection on wood and aluminum, 32x29x17 cm 2:37 min
Office hours, 2010, Video projection on wood and aluminum, 32x29x17 cm 2:37 min
Weatherhouse, 2009, installation with video and sound, 420x340x60 cm 30 sec
Weatherhouse, 2009, installation with video and sound, 420x340x60 cm 30 sec
Weatherhouse, 2009, installation with video and sound, maket
Nude and washing machine, 2008, Sculptural installation with video and sound, 510x330x60 cm 69 min
Nude and washing machine (still), 2008, Sculptural installation with video and sound, 510x330x60 cm 69 min
Nude and washing machine (still), 2008, Sculptural installation with video and sound, 510x330x60 cm 69 min
Nude and washing machine (still), 2008, Sculptural installation with video and sound, 510x330x60 cm 69 min
Cuckoo, 2007, Mixed media Installation including video and sound, 12 hours 587×350 cm
Modern Times, 2007, Video projection on cardboard objects
Modern Times (still), 2007, Video projection on cardboard objects
Modern Times (still), 2007, Video projection on cardboard objects
Cuckoo, 2007, Mixed media installation including video and sound, 12 hours 587×350 cm
This is not a clock (still), 2006, video projection on plywood, 260x110 cm 12 hours
This is not a clock, 2006, video projection on plywood, 260x110 cm 12 hours
This is not a clock (still), 2006, video projection on plywood, 260x110 cm 12 hours
Born in Israel
Lives and works in New York
Education and Teaching
BFA, Hamidrasha School of Art, Beit Berl College, Israel
MFA, School of the Arts, Columbia University, New York
Head of the Video Department, Hamidrasha School of Art,
Beit Berl College, Israel
One-Person Exhibitions
INVERT, Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv
A Nous La Liberté, Kibbutz Be’eri Gallery, Israel
Weather House, New Positions, Art Cologne, Germany
Nude and Washing Machine, Hamidrasha Gallery, Kfar Saba
Cuckoo, Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv
Selected Group Exhibitions
Columbia University 2014 MFA Thesis, Fisher Landau Center For Art, Long Island City, New York
Locomotion 2014, Artists’ Moving Image Festival, London, UK
No Place, BAAD Gallery Bezalel Academy, Tel Aviv
Matinée, Lesley Heller Workspace, New York
And After a Pause, it Continued, Columbia University, New York
Artists’ Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
Afterwards, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
KIT Düsseldorf, Germany
Layla Tov, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Prizes in Art from the Ministry of Culture, Petach Tikva Museum of Art
The Vault, Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio
The Museum Presents Itself, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Video Zone 5, International Video Art Biennial, Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Can’t You See I’m Walking on Air, Chelouche Gallery, Tel Aviv
14th Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean,
Skopje, Macedonia
The Tyranny of the Transparent, Minshar Gallery, Tel Aviv
Five Young Artists, Artists’ Studios Gallery, Tel Aviv
The Rear, The 1st Herzlyia Biennial of Contemporary Art, Herzliya Museum
Present Now, Reding Art Fair 5, Tel Aviv
Half Board, Braverman Gallery – By Art Projects, Tel Aviv
Intersection, 23rd Jerusalem Film Festival, Expermintal Program
From the Heart, The Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Institute of Investigate Living, Workshop with Andrea Zittel and James Trainor, Joshua Tree, CA
Bronner Residency, Goethe Institut and Kunststiftung NRW, Dusseldorf, Germany
Grants and Awards
The David Berg Foundation Fellowship, New York
RölfsPartner Award, Dusseldorf, Germany
The Young Artist Prize 2010, Israel Ministry of Culture
The Fund for Video-Art and Experimental Cinema in Israel with the support of the Israeli Film Council, CCA Tel Aviv
The America-Israel Cultural Foundation Award
Rafi Lavie Award for Young Artist, “Hamidrasha”, Beit Berl College
Study Fellowship, Ministry of Education, Israel