Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Installation view
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Installation view
Shirley Wegner, Installation view
Shirley Wegner, Installation view
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Night Shot number 1, 2016, c print, 120x170 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Pattern, 2015, c print, 120x190 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Night Explosion, 2013, c print, 100x135 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Explosion with Road, 2012, c print, 100x135 cm
Shirley Wegner, Desert Explosion, 2013, c print, 135x100 cm
Shirley Wegner, Explosion, 2002, c print, 100x76 cm
Shirley Wegner, Eucalyptus with Ruins, 2007, c print, 120x100 cm
Shirley Wegner, Crop, 2012, c print, 120x100 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 11, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 12, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 13, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 15, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 14, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Ma’aseh Merkabah- The Act of Assembly, Aerial View Number 16, 2016, c print, 37x50 cm
Shirley Wegner, Construction Site with mountains, 2012, acrylic pen on mylar metal wire palette scraps pigmented cotton handmade paper on wood, 25.5×20 cm
Shirley Wegner, Field no. 4, 2013, acrylic pen clay fishing wire asphalt shingle, 25.5×20 cm
Shirley Wegner, Mud Golan Heights, 2012, acrylic pigmented cotton handmade paper clay, 23x30 cm
Shirley Wegner, Mud and Cement, 2012, acrylic pigmented cotton handmade paper metal wire plaster on wood panel, 23x30 cm
Shirley Wegner, Night Explosion no. 3, 2015, scratchboard charcoal and pencil on mylar and cellophane on wood panel, 23x30 cm
Shirley Wegner, Ruins no. 1, 2015, acrylic and metal wire on wood panel, 30x23 cm