― 03.09.2005
Face to Face
Group exhibition
Group exhibition
Tal Shochat, Untitled, 2003, color print, 74x120 cm
Tal Shochat, Untitled, 2003, color print, 74x120 cm
Tamar Karavan, Untitled, 1998, Photograph, 120x80 cm
Tamar Karavan, Untitled, 1998, Photograph, 120x80 cm
Zoya Cherkassky, Kitchen still life, 2005, Acrylic on canvas, 70x160 cm
Eli Gur Arie, Eyelashes, 1998 1999, Sculpted and cast in polymeric materials, 20x27x12 cm
Eli Gur Arie, Untitled, 1994 2002, Cast in polymeric materials, 45x65x60 cm
Eli Gur Arie, Untitled, 1994 2002, Cast in polymeric materials, 45x65x60 cm
Shai Ignatz, Untitled, 2000 2001, Photograph, 100x150 cm
Michael Rapoport, Untitled, 2005, Oil on canvas, 80x150 cm
Michael Rapoport, Untitled, 2002, Oil on canvas, 185x100 cm