Dead End
Group exhibition
Group exhibition
Boaz Arad, Untitled, 2008, Photograph, 40x50 cm
Tal Shochat, Untitled, 1997, Photograph, 45x70 cm
Deganit Berest, Untitled, 2004, Photogrph, 54x40 cm
Roee Rosen, I was Called Kuny Lemel, 2008, Video, Video still
Maya Zack, Untitled, 2005, Mixed media on paper, 21.5×14.5 cm
Maya Zack, Untitled, 2005, Mixed media on paper , 21.5×14.5 cm
Maya Zack, Untitled, 2005 , Mixed media on paper, 21.5×14.5 cm
Boaz Arad, Untitled, 2008, Photograph, 27.5×40.5 cm
Danil Gertman, Untitled, 2001, Acrylic and oil on paper, 190x360 cm
Yaacov Dorchin, Untitled, Sculpture, 45x33x20 cm
Noam Holdengreber, Wanderer in front of the sea, 2008, Video, Video still
Sagit Zaloof Namir, Untitled, 2008, Photograph, 60x80 cm
Tamar Karavan, Untitled, 2008, Photograph, 53x79 cm
Igor Guelman-Zak, Untitled, Mixed media, 12x27.5×4 cm
Maayan Strauss, Untitled, Installation
Maayan Strauss, Untitled, Installation, Detail
Zoya Cherkassky, Untitled, 2008, Acrylic on found object, 60x80 cm
Sagit Zaloof Namir, Untitled, 2008, Photograph, 95x120 cm
Jossef Krispel, Untitled, 2008, Mixed media, 24x19.5 cm
Shai Ignatz, Untitled, 2007, Photograph, 45x60 cm
Jossef Krispel, Untitled, 2003, Oil on canvas, 45x60 cm
Jossef Krispel, Untitled, 2003 , Oil on canvas, 45x60 cm