Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Imstallation view
Tamir Zadok, Boxers, Libya, Black and white photograph 1940’s, 142x208 cm
Tamir Zadok, Boxers,Libya, , Black and white photograph 1940’s, 142x208 cm
Tamir Zadok, Untitled, 2009, Color photograph, 103x129 cm
Tamir Zadok, Untitled, 2017, color photograph, 42x62 cm
Tamir Zadok, Untitled , 2009, color print, 42x49 cm
Tamir Zadok, October War Museum , 2009, digital print, 76x110 cm
Tamir Zadok, October War Museum, 2009, digital print, 76x110 cm
Tamir Zadok, Jewish Wedding in Morocco detail, 2014, HD video, 02.20 minutes
Tamir Zadok, Gaza Canal detail, video 9 min
Tamir Zadok, Gaza Canal detail, video 9 min
Tamir Zadok, The Man in the Suit, 2017, Color photograph, 33.5×50 cm
Tamir Zadok, The Painters, 2017, Video 2.15 min